Built beautifully green,
in the heart of Texas
Hill Country.
Designed to exude the Hill Country's natural beauty
Responsible building + preservation focused
The latest technologies, for an efficient home
Built with your health, comfort + lifestyle in mind

Younger Homes® prides itself on constructing beautiful, sustainable, energy efficient custom and semi-custom homes in the heart of the Texas Hill Country. As an industry leader in green home construction, Younger Homes® continuously pushes toward innovation and preservation. Serving the greater Austin area, the family-run home builder works to make a healthy and sustainable lifestyle accessible to everyone.

At Younger Homes®, we build beautifully sustainable homes by incorporating integrated design and value engineering throughout the lifecycle of the project. We believe every home should be safe, affordable, and sustainable. We utilize elegant, innovative, and proven green building technology and proactive implementation of green building codes to enhance and protect public health, natural resources, and the beauty of the Texas Hill Country. We hope you join us on our mission to a more intentional way of living.